Medical-Intuitive Consultations & Vibrational Healing

CJ has been working with clients in the area of holistic health and intuitive medical consultation for over 20 years. She received her certification in Vibrational Medicine from Vibrational Gateways Institute in 1999.

This 12 month rigorous program provided training in anatomy, quantum physics, energy healing, clearing dissonant energies, attunement, body scanning and more.

CJ then completed a client practicum for 6 additional months in which she gained greater hands-on clinical experience working with patients with various health issues.

CJ is a proud member of the Association of Holistic Practitioners, International Medical Intuitives Association and the American Holistic Health Association.

CJ can work with you to discover what health frequencies are out of balance in your body. She can help you create a wellness plan to restore those frequencies to balances. Some tools she uses are: vibrational healing long distance using attunements, vitamins, supplements plus other recommended wellness modalities.

What is Vibrational Healing?

Vibrational healing is a process whereby vibrations are introduced or transferred into a human being’s physical and energetic bodies, so that the vibrations which have become unbalanced in the human physical or auric body are adjusted. This is based on the idea that illness or disease in the human and auric body is characterized by blockages and imbalances. These blockages and imbalances causes a cell, organ, system, or energetic body to slow it's vibration. Slow vibrations result in disease (dis-ease) or illness. The process of vibrational healing adjusts these unbalanced vibrations.

To be healthy, an individual needs to have a optimum rate of vibration in their physical and auric bodies. This vibration is nourished in many ways including what we think, feel, believe, see, hear, smell, touch, eat, drink, breathe, and are exposed to. As an individual becomes ill their rate of vibration lowers. As the rate of vibration lowers the individual becomes more susceptible to other negative energies and invaders and the cycle of poor health becomes self-perpetuating.

Many internal developments affect the rate of vibration of a human body. Each cell, organ and system has its own vibration. Each emotion that one feels, creates a separate vibration in the human body; each thought we have creates a unique vibration; each color has its own vibration; every sound carries its own vibration; each smell has its own vibration.

Many external factors affect the vibration of the human body. We are bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies that can influence the vibrational rate of our physical and etheric bodies. Each household appliance, television set, cell phone, microwave oven is sending out these vibrations. Mother Earth is surrounded by various electromagnetic grids that can also affect our vibrations. Underground water can also disrupt the healthy vibration of the human system. And finally, there are many entities which can rest in our auras, homes and offices which can seriously affect our rates of vibration.

Illness occurs when our vibrations become unbalanced and this equilibrium is disturbed.

Let CJ's 20 years of experience help you create a wellness plan to restore your health to proper balance.

Full Body Scans

Full body scans use a set of comprehensive charts that cover the full spectrum of physical health. Some of the areas that are checked for imbalances during the scan are: vital organ systems, body energies, infectious organisms, heavy metal toxicity, food allergies, nutrition and more. These sessions can be effectively conducted long distance. CJ works with many clients internationally to help them restore the body to optimal balance.

With a full body scan you receive:

  • Dissonant or harmful energies are cleared from your energy field immediately
  • Spiritual and Mental subtle energies are balanced.
  • Comprehensive paperwork showing the findings
  • Recommendations for further treatments based on the findings
  • List of appropriate supplements if needed
  • Nutritional recommendations as necessary
  • A Recommended wellness plan
  • Phone call for any related questions (call is recorded so you can have an audio download)
A full body scan is a 2 hour consultation (initial consult, full body scan, energetic clearing with findings via email with and followup consultation by phone). The cost is $ 275.00 and can be paid by clicking here.

Schedule a Full Body Scan

Once you receive your emailed materials and review the findings, you will receive a 60 minute phone consultation with CJ to develop a personalized treatment plan. All supplements and suggestions are closely followed by CJ during your work with her.

Routine body scans are a less lengthy version of the full body scan and simply identify your current physical priorities. Routine body scans are also used to continue a treatment plan on a monthly basis after a full body scan is performed.

With a full body scan you receive:

  • Dissonant or harmful energies are cleared from your energy field immediately
  • Spiritual and Mental subtle energies are balanced.
  • Scan findings are mailed, faxed or emailed.
  • Recommendations for further treatments based on the findings
  • List of appropriate supplements if needed
  • Nutritional recommendations as necessary
  • A Recommended treatment plan
  • 1/2 phone consultation to review your findings and discuss treatment options
A monthly checkup consultation is $80.00. To pay for your monthly follow-up click here.

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